Car insurance is a legal requirement and as many households now own more than one car it makes financial sense to save money with a multi-car insurance policy. Many people have a dream of enjoying the thrill of a ride in a prestige car or luxury speed boat, so if you are lucky enough to own one, make sure that you are covered against damage or theft with a specialist prestige car or marine insurance policy.
Having a speedboat is an endless source of enjoyment, from a lazy morning exploring the river to a thrilling afternoon cruising on the lake. But […]
A high value boat it is likely to be one of your most prized possessions, so you need to insure it suitably. A luxury yacht or speedboat with a powerful engine needs a different level of specialist marine insurance cover than a less powerful small boat.
Prestige cars are highly desirable, resulting in a higher risk of theft and damage. They can also be eye-wateringly expensive if you need a replacement part, so you should take this into account when you choose your specialist insurance policy.
A multi-car insurance policy offers the same cover as standard car insurance, but at discounted rates. The more cars you have on one policy, the cheaper the premium is. Insurers may also offer more favourable terms if there are more cars in the household than drivers.
‘GAP’ stands for Guaranteed Asset Protection – it is the difference between the price that you paid for your car and the amount that your insurance company would give you if your car was written off or stolen.